ABANA provides education, including scholarships, a network between it's members and the Affiliate organizations, and, in cooperation with the blacksmith vendors advertising in our magazines, a Members Only discount program.
With your membership you will receive the
Anvil's Ring and Hammer's Blow Magazines
You can save more than the cost of your membership through the use of the
ABANA Members Only Discount Program
The ABANA Members Only Discount Program is a great member benefit where you can save 5%, 10%, or even more on products you already purchase. Click on the link above to find out more about this benefit of membership. We continue to expand this program and have added several vendors in the last year.
ABANA is proud to announce that we have made arrangements through Transamerica and Ameritas for insurance plans:
ABANA Members Insurance Program
ABANA presents these member benefits as a service. As with any product you should ask questions and be clear with the Insurance provider as to what is covered and what is not.
If you are not renewing, could you take the time to tell us why not and what ABANA could do, if anything, to keep you as a member.
Bill Clemens
ABANA Member Services