Monday, April 30, 2012

ABANA Conference Cost Details

Register Now to avoid the $50.00 Late Fee  
Registration Fee - $275 Per Person - $225 for ABANA Members (If paid before June 20, 2012)
Family members - $25 each for Spouse and Children 12- 17 (Under 12 Free)
Day Passes - $75.00 - Available at the Gate

Your ABANA Membership ID is required to Register at the Member Rate.  
Don't know have you ID?   
Have it sent to you by email:  Get Membership ID
Or Call the Central Office (423)913-1022

If you don't want to register online, you can also Download a Registration Form and mail it along with your payment to the ABANA Central Office.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

ABANA 2012 Conference Sponsorship and Tools Submissions

ABANA Needs YOU!!!

The 2012 ABANA Conference is quickly approaching and we are actively seeking individuals, businesses, and groups to become a part of the team in making the conference a huge success.

There are two major ways to get involved right now that will help the conference and ABANA immensely:

ABANA Conference Sponsorships:
The first way is by becoming a conference sponsor! This does not mean a huge amount of can be any amount that you are comfortable with. We generally encourage a sponsorship of a specific tent, demonstrator, or area of the conference. This is your chance to have the much deserved recognition for your philanthropic endeavors in supporting blacksmithing and ABANA. If you are a huge fan of a certain part of the conference, or demonstrator, you can support that and have YOUR name out from of the tent and in the on-site conference magazine to let everyone know who has graciously stepped up and helped! Any and all donations are welcomed and needed! Thank you so much for your help!

BAM Box Iron in the Hat Tool Drive:
Another great tradition at our conferences is in need of your help. One of the three BIG Iron in the Hat items is always a showcase for our members' skills at tool making. The BAM box is stuffed every conference with hand made tools from all over the continent and world. Become a part of this tradition by forging a tool and sending it into the Central Office with your information. These tools can be anything used in the forge from tongs and hammers to chisels and scribes. Make sure you put your touchmark on your tool submission. This is your opportunity to have your work recognized. You will have some much deserved bragging rights for having YOUR tool in the box!  Duplicate tools sent in will also go to good use in the daily Iron in the Hat drawings. This means your donation will have a direct impact on the fundraising activities that keep ABANA and our educational endeavors moving forward.

ABANA 2012 BAM Box
ABANA 2012 BAM Box
Here is a small list of tools to consider:
COLLAR BLOCKS or any other tools you find useful.

Please bring these two opportunities up at your next Affiliate meeting!!!

Contact the Central Office today to get involved with the sponsorships and/or the BAM Box Tool Drive!
ABANA Central Office
259 Muddy Fork Road
Jonesborough, TN 37659
Phone: (423) 913-1022

Friday, April 13, 2012

ABANA 2012 Conference Registration Information

2012 Conrerence LOGO

Artist-Blacksmith's Association of North America
ABANA 2012 Conference Registration                       
Central States Fairgrounds
800 San Francisco St. Rapid City
Rapid City, SD 57701

Driving Directions

Wednesday July 18, 2012 at 12:00 PM MDT
Saturday July 21, 2012 at 10:00 PM MDT
Add to my calendar
Register Now
and avoid the $50.00 Late Fee  

(Late Fee of $50.00 after Jun 20, 2012)  

Registration Fee - $275 Per Person - $225 for ABANA Members ($50 discount for ABANA members - $50 Late Fee after Jun 20, 2012)   
Family members - $25 each  for Spouse, and Children 12- 17, Children Under 12 Free

Day Passes - $75.00 - Available at the Gate
Your ABANA Membership ID is required to Register at the Member Rate.  Don't know have you ID?   
Go Here to have it sent to you by email: 
OR Call the Central Office (423)913-1022
Register Now!

I can't make it
You can also go here to download a registration form and then mail it along with your payment to the ABANA Central Office
 Mail-In Registration: Download Registration Form

Additional Information and details is available on the ABANA Website:

ABANA Central Office
Artist-Blacksmith's Association of North America
(423) 913-1022